Friday, March 30, 2007

news on SHE 10th album..
the new is about their new album !st hit, zhong guo ge.. quite cute..shall wait till the song to out..

S.H.E「十」力再現! 五月中【PLAY】出輯!耗資250萬!百人大隊遠赴烏鎮拍攝首波主打『中國話』!苦練「繞口令RAP」! S.H.E歡迎大家挑戰「舌功」!S.H.E與武僧BATTLE對軋! 武僧秀「非人」高超武藝!去年底剛結束『S.H.E移動城堡台灣演唱會』的S.H.E,也展開全新專輯的籌備工作。在歷經數個月的密集訓練準備後,S.H.E即將在5月中推出第十張專輯!新專輯取名【PLAY】,S.H.E解釋:「S.H.E的第十張專輯,是我們歌唱事業很重要的一『輯』!這一段時間我們嘗試了很多新鮮有趣的音樂創意,比以往拉長的籌備時間,錄了快20首歌,好不容易才決定了這幾首精華歌曲!在造型上也有很多新嘗試喔!」為了拍攝首波主打歌「中國話」MV,華研唱片特地耗資超過250萬,動員超過100名的工作人員,大隊人馬拉到內地建城超過1300年,有「中國最後的枕水人家」之稱的知名古城浙江烏鎮拍攝取景。導演馬宜中特地找來正統的少林武僧、太極師父、各國嘻哈舞蹈老師與S.H.E軋舞,一同詮釋這首融合東西方風味的歌曲。一群人在烏鎮古色古香的衙門前廣場起舞。「中國話」的內容主要描述,現在全世界正掀起一片中國熱!目前全球估計至少有3000萬非華裔人士在學中國話,歐美更有些國家已經將中國話列入必修外國語。ELLA透露:「這首歌是一個很優秀的內地創作著的作品!這樣的內容對我們來說是一個很新鮮的嘗試!」SELINAH也表示:「其實這是一首融合嘻哈風跟中國風的作品,現在年輕人很流行饒舌!但其實中國人很早就開始RAP囉!以前的繞口令感覺就很像呢!」HEBE也透露:「因為專輯叫『PLAY』,所以我們在音樂上也玩得瘋!我們這一次就特地把繞口令唱成RAP,希望引起一股新的潮流!不過這幾段繞口令可折磨死我們了!錄音前我們3個人練到舌頭都快打結了!不過現在我們可厲害了!歡迎大家來挑戰喔!」正式上工,與武僧及舞蹈老師們進行舞蹈拍攝時,S.H.E3人被武僧師父高超的武藝嚇的合不攏嘴!ELLA說:「剛剛跳舞到一半,我的眼角餘光瞄到後方的武僧師父蜷曲在地上,我以為他中暑不舒服!後來看到他整個盤腿,然後用光頭頂著石板地倒立時,我整個嚇到!差點叫出來忘記跳舞!」其他兩個人因為沒看到,便在結束後要求跟師父們BATTLE一下,看看師傅們的真功夫!結果師傅們幾個後空翻,加上類似瑜珈的高難度肢體動作,讓HEBE尖叫連連:「天ㄚ!師父們說折就折!整個肢體超柔軟!折的動作根本就不成『人形』!太厲害了!」ELLA則不甘示弱嗆聲:「我們S.H.E也有真功夫喔!不過是在音樂上啦!」S.H.E在出發至上海前,特地詢問了當地氣溫好整理行李,原先得知的氣溫7℃到23℃,所以怕冷的SELINA還特地帶了長至腳踝的羽絨衣,沒想到今天拍攝時氣溫高達25℃,三個人只好猛吃冰解渴!拍攝空檔也要工作人員馬上撐上洋傘遮陽,讓SELINA大嘆無奈:「也好啦!至少這樣天氣好!拍起來人會很美!而且還好我今天的衣服是背心短褲,所以還蠻涼的!」趁著拍攝空檔,S.H.E也到烏鎮各個景點拍照留念!3個人也作勢拿起槳要划船!ELLA特地充當「導遊小姐」介紹:「烏鎮西柵這裡是由10多個島組成的!各島要靠園區10多座橋互通。像我們住的地方,就要搭這很像古代畫舫的船,由船伕慢慢划才能到達!」SELINA則像發現新大陸:「這裡的船是很重要的交通工具!但我發現停在岸邊的一艘一艘船,原來是KTV包廂!很妙吧!如果有空應該試試在船上邊唱邊跳的感覺,應該會暈船吧!」

11:02 pm

busy busy busy
hey.. these few weeks im so occupied.. but tt's y i got something to blog.. haha.. if not i will hv to blog the same old things..

last fri was sharon's last day in the company.. although i was pulled to AMKH in the morning for SOS due to NYP students health screening is goin on, she insisted to ket me back b4 1 as she treating the lab lunch which include me la.. hee.. had golden pillow.. not bad..

mon- went to amk poly for training meeting.. this training committee is just set up and we already given 4 assignments to do.. and we need to take up 2 assignments at least. hai~ had the 1st meeting at HQ on last thurs. and we meet to meet up frequently to complete our presentations. so many things to do...

tue- had a farewell dinner @ fish&co for sharon though she's already left. haha cos no time on her last week.. got me, kat, jessica tong, jessica lim, rou yi, zhi xiu, gladys and waiteng and of coz sharon.. had a enjoying dinner and aft dinner, and our dessert @ NYDC. reach home is already 10.30 liao.. hope she will a great future ahead..

thurs- had another meeting all the way at BBK.. so far away.. but no choice, cant possible to have every meeting at amk which will very unfair to the rest.. had till 8 and there is something very scary in BBK.. there's a museum, nurses statues.. no light and with the figures standing staring at u make it so eerie and the only way out is thru the museum.. luckily we walked as a big group so still not so bad.. aft meeting went to meet the agent to claify some qns on the life policy i taking wif HSBC.. quite attractive.. hope i wun regret in the future.. haha... luckily she drive so i can get home earlier.. hee..

fri- today another is leaving so another free lunch. hee.. consider my last meal with tpy cos i finally return to amk as my base le!! yippee.. so jolene chu $$ i chu li.. haha.. ordered pizza (not pizza hut, had this joke with joelle) and finally a night rest for me.. wanted to go body shop wif xiu but in the end decided not to go cos she can only meet me quite late... luckily didnt meetup cos my gastric is giving me problem again!! sian.. terrible.. but now feeling better..

tml goin to celebrate xiu 21st birthday!! and can go the body shop sale which is at suntec too.. hee.. so at least i wun miss any good deal.. haha..

there will be a company crusie dinner which only last for 3 hours.. whaha.. funny rite.. i tot is overnight event but is just a 3 hours event.. haha.. i goin anyway.. can bring a partner so sc and i bring bh and cl along... since is free for them too.. whaha..

im so excited for my goliday to come cos i cant wait to fly to tw!!! mentioning tt, i still hv no time to collect my air tix.. arh.. mon and thurs hvin another meeting at bbk and HQ respectively.. i will be staying in royal castle hotel which receive not bad feedback.. hope is good.. my trip is on the last week of apr which i tot i will just in time for SHE new album.. but today release the news tt it will be in mid may.. sian!!! the rumour is not ke kao.. haha.. tot i can al least pass by their autograph session or something.. haha.. no hope now.. nvm..i will just focus my trip on mai dong xi, chi dong xi, mai dong xi, chi dong xi, mai dong xi, chi dong xi.. haha..

10:10 pm

Saturday, March 03, 2007

hebe's CNY post
hebe's new yr entry

企圖想要跟大家拜個晚年 希望不會太遲
但願大家在新的一年都身體健康 心智更強壯
平常我幾乎只穿黑 灰 白 這些保護色
甚至連田蹦 狗狗都有份


The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
圖一 我和田蹦以及狗狗年初二到外婆家紅成一片

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
圖二 年初三參加世紀大烤肉遇到詭怪店小二@ella's house

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
圖三 我看到一群古代人所以拍照留念

第一部 戀愛沒有假期
.....哭哭嘞 我知道哭點有點爛 但至少我哭得出來..哈
第二部 K歌情人
....當珠兒巴莉摩飾演的女主角(....呵.我又忘了叫什麼名字)的姊姊一直想跟過氣歌手艾力克斯合照但卻不成的表情令我大笑 我知道笑點有點爛 但至少我大笑了..哈
第三部 A GOOD YEAR(中譯名好像叫什麼美好還是完美的那一年吧 唉~又忘了)
好看!浪漫阿~ 但看完了會令我又忍不住嚮往戀愛...討厭! 而且看完後我會一直自言自語一些法語 但說來說去就是我愛你 謝謝 抱歉 乾杯 日安
晚安 最後還硬擠了一句紅模仿的法文歌詞 真的很不堪
當時真的很希望人生不要是楚門秀 要不然會被笑死 糗翻 喔 對了 我還跑去買它的電影原聲帶..嗯





新年每個人都有新希望 相信你只要努力一定會有更好的一年 但有些需要我們幫助的朋友 真的需要
我們的愛 才能有更好的一年 若能給需要的朋友一臂之力 你的新年就邁向成功的一大步了 共勉之~

*wow hebe 好有爱心啊*

5:06 pm

Happy CNY!! i noe im abit late but is still wanna wish everyone happy new year!! didnt update due to my busy and hectic schedule during the pre and new yr period. and my com is giving me pro. but my bro had bought us a new desktop. so happy!! but im still using the old 1 cos the new 1 cant connect and my bro is not free to come down to fix tt.

this year new year is quite different for me cos it my 1st new year since i started working..means that everything for new yr is paid by my sis and i.. xiong!! nv noe new yr need to spend so much. mayb be cos we hv bought quite a few things to replace the old 1. and my birthday is on the 2nd day of CNY this yr. got double ang pow and some relatives give a bigger ang pow... hee.. had a simple birthday dinner at my guma's house. had a cosy birthday this yr.

celebrated wif liang. xiu. byeng and cindy on the next day. treat them movie.. wanted to give them a dinner treat de but i quite broke aft the new yr spending. hope they dun mind... watch epic moive... that movie quite suck!! haha.. lousy moive i can say.. not really funny so i though too.. den had dinner at wakaru.. the food is nice but the drinks there is quite disappointing. and i got a GUESS watch from them!!! LOVE IT!! ann they treat me dinner.. so touched for their present and treat as i longed for a GUESS watch..

had a birthday celebration wif jj, rouyi, kat and youyuan and kit yin.. had a simple dinner den went to our main programme, k session!! haha.. new singing ka..jj's singing power de lo.. they gave me a puma bag wich im already using.. hee

den sun went to celebrate wif ploy friends.. had lunch manhattan fish market den went to cathy to watch just follow law.. tot company got free tix for me de but in the end it was all giving out le.. funny and nice... at least better than epic movie... they gave me a bag too but a smaller 1 from charles and keith and a bracelet..

Thanks so much for your PRESSIES!!

thurs wanted to gym as we already paid the mar fee.. but when we went there, the gym is closed!!! diao rite.. only one month didnt go den the next month closed down le.. and we didnt get inform until we recevied a sms form raymond aft i gave him a few miss calls!! haha.. i was still joked that they might closed down in the lift and when we stepped out, it really happend!! whaha.. nvm al least he say he goin to refund us within this month.. we shall see they will took how long to refund us.. haha..

actually wanted a minor shopping yesterday but in the end i had spent more than 100 bucks... bought a adidas watch(old design @$45 only!!), a jacket, a blouse and a red small bag.. feel so man zhu though i hv spend so much.. cos i hardly can get so mnay things in bugis street...

*complain time*
think this time is my last chance to request to transfer to amk cos going to hv a new staff trianing in amk and will base amk!! kao.. dun allow me to base amk cos of 0.5 more headcount but now replace a full time staff there!!isn't it the same if i change base to amk?? hope this time will approve my request and let the new staff to base elsewhere!! haha.. if not really hv to stuck in hou liao!! i dun wan leh.. hai~~

3:58 pm

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